
Choosing your deity means choosing your identity, health and the outline of your social relationship, it simply means choosing yourself. Therefore, we have to know the literature meaning of the word ‘deity’ very well to be able to know ourselves well. The book ‘DEITY and FREEDOM, EQUALITY, JUSTICE in HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE’ is aim to help do just that.


Contents …………………………………………………………….i-ii-iii


Part one: ‘Existence of the Universe’……………………………………1

1-Brief Scientific History of the Universe1

Part two: ‘History of Human Mentality Regarding the Creator, Deity’

1-Beliefs, Mythologies and Philosophies of the Ancient World…………………22

a) Sumarians………………………………………………………32

b) Masarians………………………………………………………33

c) Shamans………………………………………………………..35

d) Babylonians…………………………………………………….37

e) Aryans…………………………………………………………40

f) Zoroastrians……………………………………………………43

g) Hittites……………………………………………………….48

h) Semites…………………………………………………………53

2- History and Mythology in Asia Minor and Eastern Europe……………….59

3-Pre-Socratic ‘Dark Age’ Philosophy and Mythology………………………..67

a) Thales of Miletus……………………………………………….70

b) Anaximander of Miletus…………………………………………..71

c) Pythagoras of Samos……………………………………………..73

d) Xenophanes……………………………………………………..75

e) Heraclitus……………………………………………………..78

4-Philosophy, Sophism and Psychology…………………………………….82

a) Protagoras……………………………………………………..84

b) Gorgias………………………………………………………..88

c) Antiphon the Sophist…………………………………………….91

5- Philosophy, Myths, Magic, Dreams and Religions…………………………94

6-Helenistic and Classical Philosophy……………………………………112

a) LaoTse…………………………………………………………117

b) Zeno of Citium………………………………………………….120

c) Epicurians……………………………………………………..122

d) Synics…………………………………………………………125

e) Sceptics……………………………………………………….127

f) Plato………………………………………………………….130

g) Aristotle………………………………………………………134


a) Revelation to Moses……………………………………………..147

b) Revelation to Jesus……………………………………………..165

c) Revelation to Mohammed…………………………………………..186

8-Philosophy of the Time……………………………………………….212

a) Al-Kindi……………………………………………………….218

b) Al-Farabi………………………………………………………224

c) Ibn Sina……………………………………………………….234

d) Al-Ghazali……………………………………………………..273

e) Ibn Rushd………………………………………………………280

Part Three: ‘Human Emotions in Relation to the Deity’

1- The Deity and the Freedom, Equality and Justice for men………………294

a) Synapses……………………………………………………….320

b) Power of Energy and Waves………………………………………..334

c) The Deity and Human Relations…………………………………….363

d) Identity, Personality, Behaviour, Emotions…………………………413

Bibliography: a) Part one………………………431

b) Part two……………………434

c) Part three………………455

d) Illustrations………460

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